Tuesday, August 30, 2011

BACK TO SCHOOL: 10th Grade / Sophomore Year

  • First semester: Honors World History, Honors Biology, Honors Pre-Calculus, Orchestra, Chinese 3
  • Second semester: AP European History, Honors Humanities, AP Calculus AB, Orchestra, Chinese 3
    • Honors World History was linked with AP European History (it was essentially just APEH the entire year, it just went under a different name on my transcript; this goes for the classes below too)
    • Honors Biology was linked with AP Biology (but I dropped AP Biology so I could stay in Orchestra)
    • Honors Pre-Calculus was linked with AP Calculus AB
    • Total APs: 2.5
Test Scores:
  • PSAT = ~170? (I think? It was definitely not a good score.)
  • AP Calculus AB = 5
  • AP European History = 4
    Tips to doing well academically:
    1. Talk to your counselor about your future classes and college plans. You might not want to talk to your parents about your future plans, but try to keep them updated (even if it seems irrelevant to them or they don't agree with you or you know they'll forget anyway). Chances are, they'll actually appreciate it.
    2. Sophomore year grades are pretty darn important! Work hard to maintain a high grade point average. Don't rely on a weighted GPA--try to get A's in AP classes too!
    3. Take at least one AP class (or self-study). TAKE THE AP TEST!!!!!!!! It's a waste to take an AP class and not take the test as well.
    4. Make sure you're taking at least one English, one science and one math class.
    5. Plan to take the PSAT this year for practice. Try to practice a bit beforehand (google sites or check out some prepbooks).
    6. Attend college fairs and visit local colleges.
    7. Update your personal files: report cards, honors, certificates, employment.
    8. Continue volunteering! Since you'll probably be more busy junior year than sophomore year, take advantage of this easier year and do more extracurricular activities.
    9. Try to achieve leadership positions in your clubs, or at least remain as an active member. You want to show people (colleges) that you're committed to everything you do.
    Tips to doing well socially:
    • Maintain your friendships, and make some more in your new classes! There may be drama, but try to stay out of it. Definitely don't cause any unnecessary drama!
    • Slowly start upgrading your wardrobe; this is a great time to figure out what kind of style suits you best.
    • I'd stay natural with the makeup. Instead, focus on keeping a clear, acne-free face.
    • Now that you probably know the guys at your school better, sophomore year is a pretty good time to start dating. Not that you have to or need to, but if there's a guy you really like... ;) Just don't let it affect your social and academic life!
    • This is a little off-topic, but STAY HEALTHY!! I didn't have anymore PE classes after freshman year, so I gained weight (grrr, stress and snacking) and became really unhealthy. :(
      • Work out and make sure you eat healthy foods! You need to take care of both your mind and your body.
      • Try to get enough sleep. There's a Chinese legend about how one empress was very busy, so she only slept from 11PM to 4AM everyday. Even with only 5 hours of sleep, she was still very energetic and well-rested. Try to sleep by 11PM. If you're not finished with your homework, wake up early to finish it!
    Sophomore year was a lot harder than freshman year for me. I went from doing hardly any homework to studying until 11 for AP Bio tests! :'( At the same time, sophomore year also had more interesting classes for me. I learned so much in both Honors Humanities and AP European History! Both classes really opened my eyes. This year really helped me realize that I'm definitely a humanities person.

    Do you have any tips for high school sophomores? :) Let us know!

    xo Lucy

    Be sure to check out our joint twitter (http://www.twitter.com/neonrouge37) and YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/neonrouge37)!


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